Top 20 Pumpkin Recipes That Won’t Make You Gag

According to Punky Moms

You either have a love it or hate it relationship with pumpkin. Since I live in the UK now, I’m on the love it and miss it side of the spectrum. Since we only have a fraction of the mania that sweeps the US every year and I know I should count myself lucky. Some of the things I see being advertised in the US are ridiculous. However it still makes me crave that which I cannot have.

Luckily I can find puree pumpkin in the American section of my grocery store as well as fresh ones from my local fruit stand. Hopefully one day though, pumpkin beer will make it’s way over. I’ve only found it once, which is surprising since they love their beer in England!

I asked some of our members for some of their favorite pumpkin recipes. I made a list of some that did not want to make me hurl. There are few sweet ones in there, but then some pretty subtle ones as well.



1. Pumpkin Scones

2. Pumpkin Pie French Toast

3. Pumpkin Spice Granola

4. Pumpkin Prosciutto Rigatoni

5. Pumpkin Spice Latte

6. Pumpkin Doughnuts 

7. Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread

8. Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins

9. Pumpkin Fudge Brownies

10. Pumpkin Pie Snickerdoodle Cookies

11. Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream

12. Quinoa Black Bean Pumpkin Soup

13. Pumpkin Apple Sauce

14. Pumpkin Curry with Coconut Rice

15. Pumpkin Chili 

16. Pumpkin Hummus

17. Pumpkin Coconut Fries

18. Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats

19. Ginger Pumpkin Pie

20. Pumpkin Burritos

About Paula 171 Articles
Paula is an old school goth with a riot grrrl heart. Self-proclaimed #mamaboss at Punky Moms. Born in Miami Beach with a background in music business, she followed love and moved to the UK in 2012. She has one little boy named Oscar, a dashing English husband, and a furball terrier at home. She is trying desperately not to miss the Florida sun. You can follow her on IG @riotmthrrr

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