What Do I Pack In My Hospital Bag For Labor? Get the Ultimate Essentials List Here!

What Do I Pack In My Hospital Bag For Labor?

by Paula in Birth Stories & Afterbirth 1

What are you supposed to pack in your hospital bag? Ignore all the crazy long lists out there, you aren’t going off to war and birth doesn’t need to be that complicated. Even if you [...]


friday fuck it all
Voices Of Parenting

Friday aka Fuck It All

Friday aka Fuck It All Wake up make tea get kids ready for school send them out the door on time Oops, someone forgot a book Make dr appts Oooh! You can get her in […]

The Myth Of Me Time. Don't You Dare Feel Guilty About Wanting A Break. Do it for yourself. Most importantly do it for your children.
Voices Of Parenting

The Myth Of Me Time

Remember me time? Remember when it was just called ‘time’? Remember spending the whole night watching crap on TV and eating a tub of Ben & Jerry’s without having to pretend it was spicy so […]

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