The Songs That Helped Me In Labor
My little boy turns two today. In a blink of an eye, here we are. Yes, it’s true, it really doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that I was at the end of my […]
My little boy turns two today. In a blink of an eye, here we are. Yes, it’s true, it really doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that I was at the end of my […]
Monday 19th October 2015 I had planned a crazy day – we’d agreed to take my mother-in-law to the hospital to have her stitches removed from her knee replacement. Glamorous, I know. I remember sitting […]
Nursing Queen, You Are A Breastfeeding Dancing Queen You can nurse….you can cryyyyy Youtube Channel Laughing Moms made a little parody video about breastfeeding set to Abba’s Dancing Queen. I usually don’t condone Abba listening […]
I’m tired of the stereotypes and expectations about motherhood, and I’m going to tell you right now that I’m not the best mom out there. But by letting myself take a break I know it […]
This letter/article/whatever is not going to be in perfect grammar, perfect form, or whatever. It is going to come from the heart. Ladies, listen up. Gentleman too. Tell your friends, husbands, wives, mothers, daughters, […]
Today I am feeling broody. It happens. I didn’t think it would. I am a big fan of the “one is done” club. Yet, I sit here, staring into the baby blues of my little […]
If you’re reading this I’m going to guess that either you are pregnant (congrats!) and looking for things to suggest when person after person keeps asking you “What can I get you?” OR you are […]
We have scoured the whole wide interwebs and found some great inspiration for your little Steam Punk baby. There are some great ideas for a Steam Punk baby shower or any party really! Steam punk is such […]
Super great and informative video on the history of breastfeeding. Here Emily talks to Dr. Robert Martin about the anthropology side of feeding babies and how it has changed with the role of the working mother. […]
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