Punky Moms Are Ruthless Post Card
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Our Work is Never Done

We did a cool thing- together, as a community, we mailed nearly 1000 postcards from all over the US to Senators as part of our Punky Moms Are Ruthless campaign.  You urged them not to […]

No supreme court confirmation during the 2020 election!
Featured Articles

Punky Moms Are Ruthless 2020

Friday was a devastating day for so many of us.   I, personally, sat in my car weeping when I heard the news of Justice Ginsburg’s passing.  I was overwhelmed with emotion, fear, and impending […]

On November 9th, Kara climbed up Petty Mountain. Read her political rant about alternative facts and how the hell to survive the next 4 years.
Books, Poetry & Spoken Word

Climbing Up Petty Mountain

Imagine that on around November 9, I just climbed up Petty Mountain and set up camp. I was perched up there like a cartoon guru of old. These articles started coming about how the Democrats […]

A Political Punk Rock Playlist
Punky Mom Spotify Mixtapes

A Political Playlist Part 2 – Know Your Rights

When I asked the Punky Moms Family Facebook group for their recommendations, you can imagine that there was a vast variety of music suggestions. I promised you these political playlists would be a two-parter.  Our first […]