Metalhead Sisters From Mexico Need Your Help

Go visit their Go Fund Me page and donate today!

Via The Warning

Update April 15th – The girls have hit their goal and have the funding to attend the summer program. The Go Fund Me page will remain open so they can work on purchasing visas and continuing their music education. They also now have a single track on Itunes and an EP available (fast work girls!)


Three sisters from Mexico have started a kick ass band and called themselves The Warning. Their dream at the present moment is to be able to get to Boston this summer and enroll in their Berklee Summer Music Program

A fellow fan set up a Go Fund Me page for Dany, Pau, and Ale and they just released this video where you can get to know a little bit more about the girls and what they are hoping to achieve.









You got me girls. Punky Moms is making a donation today. Take all of my money. Good luck!

At the time of print, they were just short of 10k from their goal. To help the girls get there please visit their donation page here.

About Paula 171 Articles
Paula is an old school goth with a riot grrrl heart. Self-proclaimed #mamaboss at Punky Moms. Born in Miami Beach with a background in music business, she followed love and moved to the UK in 2012. She has one little boy named Oscar, a dashing English husband, and a furball terrier at home. She is trying desperately not to miss the Florida sun. You can follow her on IG @riotmthrrr

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