I am always looking to improve, upgrade, or just add something fun. What WordPress add ons/plugins/whatever can you not live without?
I have a few WP installs, and between them all, I use
* adsense now
* advanced excerpt
* akismet
* category order
* comment luv
* count per day
* hebrew date
* kb countdown widget
* lj cross poster
* my page order
* please link 2 me
* quotes collection
* sharethis
* shockingly simple favicon
* simple feed copyright
* simple tags
* time machine
* tinyMCE advanced
* twitter for wordpress
* updated today banner
* wordpress auto upgrade
* wordtwit
* wp-relative date
* page mash
* print me
* wp auto suggest
* limit posts
* Blog Copyright (by BTE)
* WPtouch iPhone Theme
* no disposable email
* cforms
* phplist
* popularity contest
* role manager
* vox crossposter
* buddy press (and related plugins)
* all in one seo pack
* hackadelic sliding notes
* simple tags
* statpress reloaded
* wpg2
I also have a wordpress mu insall, so I have a few related plugins there too. So… what can’t you live without? What can you live without? Share the link love!
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