Do you use WordPress? What are you fav plugins?

I am always looking to improve, upgrade, or just add something fun. What WordPress add ons/plugins/whatever can you not live without?

I have a few WP installs, and between them all, I use

* adsense now
* advanced excerpt
* akismet
* category order
* comment luv
* count per day
* hebrew date
* kb countdown widget
* lj cross poster
* my page order
* please link 2 me
* quotes collection
* sharethis
* shockingly simple favicon
* simple feed copyright
* simple tags
* time machine
* tinyMCE advanced
* twitter for wordpress
* updated today banner
* wordpress auto upgrade
* wordtwit
* wp-relative date
* page mash
* print me
* wp auto suggest
* limit posts
* Blog Copyright (by BTE)
* WPtouch iPhone Theme
* no disposable email
* cforms
* phplist
* popularity contest
* role manager
* vox crossposter
* buddy press (and related plugins)
* all in one seo pack
* hackadelic sliding notes
* simple tags
* statpress reloaded
* wpg2

I also have a wordpress mu insall, so I have a few related plugins there too. So… what can’t you live without? What can you live without? Share the link love!

About Punky Moms 166 Articles
We are not just Punkers anymore, we are now parents, with the same passions that we always had to make living on this earth a better place. When it comes down to it, we are just open-minded moms, who love raising children…it’s simple, back to the basics parenting…without judgement. Everyone is welcome

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