News Info


Please sign up here for our newsletter. I think we might be skipping March (I’m not sure yet) because I am setting this up. I will be announcing the new contest over the weekend.

There are currently two newsletters, one for the news and one for the contests. The contest news will be sent out 2 – 3 times per month, once announcing the contest, once reminding people to enter, and once announcing the winners. The monthly newsletter will go out once.

You will always have the option to opt out – opt out instructions are at the bottom of each mail that goes out.

About Punky Moms 166 Articles
We are not just Punkers anymore, we are now parents, with the same passions that we always had to make living on this earth a better place. When it comes down to it, we are just open-minded moms, who love raising children…it’s simple, back to the basics parenting…without judgement. Everyone is welcome

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