No tricks. All treats. New donation system opens up all our many forums once again.
All boards are now open. Post count protected boards are still post count protected.
We moved back to a donation-based system and hope we make enough in sales and donations to pay our server fees.
What happen when I donate?
You help us recoup some of the cost that we have been paying for every year out of pocket.
We have lots of ideas in the works, lots of things we want to achieve!
How do I donate?
By clicking the button below that will bring you straight to our Paypal.
Please please please tell us or ask us if there are any problems, questions, concerns, whatever. While I wouldn’t say we are here to serve you, we are here to give you an awesome place to come kick back, relax and chat. You shouldn’t be irritated with your cyberhome!
This is totally awesome news! Woohoo!
How did I miss this? I got busy and quit checking since the non-subscription forums were so slooooow, nobody to talk to!