October 2013 Updates

Has it really been that long?

There is so much that goes on inside our forum that we sometimes forget to give love to our homepage. Sarah, Jenn, and myself have succumbed to the madness and have let some time slip by without updating.

It’s October, HALLOWEEN month. Our absolute favorite time of year! The season of pumpkin everything, bats, spiders, witches…Who am I kidding?! We don’t wait until October to celebrate those things! PUNKYMOM Halloween Swap is going on and our members should be getting ready to send out their gifts to their partners. I can’t wait to see pictures of what everyone got! PUNKYCON 2015 is in the planning stages, and after a few weeks of voting, the Southeast region is where we will convene…now we just have to decide which town we will invade!

I’ve got an exciting giveaway coming up. Stay tuned for details.



About Punky Moms 166 Articles
We are not just Punkers anymore, we are now parents, with the same passions that we always had to make living on this earth a better place. When it comes down to it, we are just open-minded moms, who love raising children…it’s simple, back to the basics parenting…without judgement. Everyone is welcome

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