Hello October!

What a nice morning to usher in a new month! We’ve got some fabulous giveaways this month, our annual Halloween swap is moving along at full speed and that means the Super Secret Holiday Swap is just around the corner!

What are your October plans? What are you and your kids dressing up as? I have two costumes I bounce between most years, but I might venture outside of them this year.

October crafty goodness should be on it’s way, so keep an eye out for that, and while you’re watching our blog stop by the forums and chat us up! We’ve got a topic for damn near everything, and if we don’t… well then make one!

About Punky Moms 166 Articles
We are not just Punkers anymore, we are now parents, with the same passions that we always had to make living on this earth a better place. When it comes down to it, we are just open-minded moms, who love raising children…it’s simple, back to the basics parenting…without judgement. Everyone is welcome

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