Debbie, the owner of Gothic Granny Couture, is a 48 years young wife, mother and grandmother of 4. After working over 30 years, she fell ill and was forced to stay at home. Debbie loves punk, goth and anything dark and eerie. She has been doing needlework for her entire life and decided to marry her two loves together….thus Gothic Granny’s Crochet was born.
Gothic Granny Couture offers alternative and generally out of the ordinary fashions and accessories at affordable prices. Debbie only makes a few of each item so they truly are unique; many items are one of a kind. She uses new and gently used items in her designing.
Here is Punky Mom’s interview with Debbie from Gothic Granny Couture:
PM: When was your company founded and where are you based?
GGC: My shop was founded September 2013. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and after working over 30 years I couldn’t sit around and do nothing. Working at home gives me the freedom to be creative but also manage my fibro. My shop is based in Canada but I ship all over the world.
PM: How many are involved in your company?
GGC: I am the major player in Gothic Granny’s Couture but when I am in a crunch my daughter helps me.
PM: What inspired you to start your company?
GGC: I started my company because I am not a normal fashion queen and found that affordable alternative clothing and accessories are hard to find.
PM: What inspired you to start your company?
GGC: I was in management before opening my store….so this is a walk in the park compared to what I used to do.
PM: Did you run into any problems or resistance while launching?
GGC: I haven’t had any problems starting or running my shop…it has been a great pleasure and a dream come true.
PM: How is your family apart of your business choices?
GGC: I have the most supportive family in the world. When it is crunch time, they tell me to go do my work. My husband offers support and encouragement and get just as excited when I get a sale.
PM: What music inspires you?
GGC: Punk rock from 70’s and 80’s new wave.
PM: What is your favorite thing to do when you are not working?
GGC: My favorite thing to do when I am not managing my shop is spending time with my family and cats.
PM: What do you see in the future for your shop?
GGC: I see my store growing and being successful. Opening a local kiosk next Christmas in my local shopping mall.
You can find Gothic Granny Couture on Etsy, use the coupon code Punkymoms to receive a 10% discount
Diana Jeanne is a creative and crafty mom who has been actively involved with Punky Moms for the last decade. Even though she moved around a lot as a kid she still considers herself a native Californian. She currently lives in Orlando, FL with her teenage son, husband and two Great Danes. She may work an office job but keeps her individuality with her under layer of bleached hair, half sleeves and back tattoos under her cardigan sweaters.
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