Atomic Mingo – Punky Moms Featured Shop

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Atomic Mingo came about when Miss Lixxie Lou kept thinking up brooch ideas that she wish existed. After a little bit of designing and being covered in mainly pink paint, Atomic Mingo was born! Each of the brooches,necklaces and various other items are hand designed by Miss Lixxie Lou using illustrator then they get laser cut onto a timber veneer. Once these pieces have been perfected, each one is hand painted and then packaged up and sent to your doorstep.  

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PM: Are you a etsy exclusive shop?:
AM: At the moment yes. I may expand when the time is right.

PM: When was your company founded?
AM: I opened up my Etsy store on the 15th Of May but was founded about 3 weeks before that.

PM: Where are you based out of?
AM: Perth, Australia

PM: How many are involved in the company?
AM: Just myself

PM: What inspired you to start the company?
AM: The lack of brooches out there that I wanted to wear so I decided to make my own!

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 PM: Did you have a background in crafting prior to starting the company?
 AM: I have always been a crafty person, dabbling in different areas from time to time but I never found one that I could stick out. My knowledge of computer design programs helped a lot to!

 PM: Did you run into any problems or resistance while launching your company?
 AM: I did not. I tried to make it as stress free as possible.

PM: What is the most exciting part of running your own business?
AM: Seeing how much my customers love each design I come out with and then seeing them wear it proudly!

PM: What do you see in the future for your business?
AM: I hope to continue making brooches with a huge range. Even doing market stalls from time to time.

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Use the coupon code PUNKYMUMS for 15% off when you spend over $20!

Make sure to follow Atomicmingo on Instagram (@atomicmingo)

About Diana 75 Articles
Diana Jeanne is a creative and crafty mom who has been actively involved with Punky Moms for the last decade. Even though she moved around a lot as a kid she still considers herself a native Californian. She currently lives in Orlando, FL with her teenage son, husband and two Great Danes. She may work an office job but keeps her individuality with her under layer of bleached hair, half sleeves and back tattoos under her cardigan sweaters.

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