A Complete Guide To The Year’s Best Backpacks

Backpack Punky Mom Guide - Did Your Kid Get A New One This Year?

Our Punky Moms are a wealth of knowledge and my go to instead of Google! I decided to ask the question in our facebook group the other week, Did your kid get a new backpack this year? And if so, what brand and where did you get it from?

It was interesting to find out that it was close to 50/50 on who did and who did not get a new backpack.  Almost half of the Punky Moms surveyed said yes, they bought a new one every year.  The other half stayed frugal and re-used the previous years. Two of the mamas surveyed said that their child’s school didn’t even allow backpacks?! Poor kids. 

So what were the popular backpacks this year you ask?

My son, who is a senior in high school (yes, I’m dying) and his school just got lap tops for all the students this year. We went with the always cool Vans old-skool plus.  It’s a timeless classic black backpack with a lap top pocket.  This look seems to never go out of style. Hopefully he will use it for years to come. 

Vans Old School BackPack

Another popular bag for the older child who has the weight of the world on his back, is the SwissGear ScanSmart Laptop Backpack.

Swiss Gear Backpack

For the tiny punkies, this Skip Hop Zoo backpack is perfect for preschool and kindergarden. It has a large compartment for all of their daily essentials and an insulated pouch that’s big enough to fit a water bottle and plenty of snacks. Plus, it’s shaped like a unicorn, so what more could you ask for?!

This classic messenger bag from Think Geek was a big hit with kids and parents alike (be careful kids, your parents may try and steal this cool bag). 

JanSport seems to still be a popular brand. They’re simple, sturdy, and available in a wide variety of prints and colors.

Think Geek is only scratching the surface. How about a Star Wars backpack? Or Doctor Who? Or Minecraft?

Last but not least, if you are looking for an adorable, more eco-friendly choice, So Young Modern Family has some super darling ones! 

Have you bought one for your little yet? Did your child get a new backpack this year?  

Be sure to check out more Punky Mom Approved Cuntsumer Reports.  Ever wondered how much you can actually fit in a backpack while traveling with a toddler? Find out here!

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About Diana 75 Articles
Diana Jeanne is a creative and crafty mom who has been actively involved with Punky Moms for the last decade. Even though she moved around a lot as a kid she still considers herself a native Californian. She currently lives in Orlando, FL with her teenage son, husband and two Great Danes. She may work an office job but keeps her individuality with her under layer of bleached hair, half sleeves and back tattoos under her cardigan sweaters.

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