Updated July 2016** Since we published this article, Amy Rose has successfully published not only her first issue of The Fourth Trimester Magazine, but a second one! She is currently accepting submissions for Issue Number 3 as well as in the process of launching Fourth Tri Man, a magazine for the rad dads! Please visit her website for full details on how you can get involved in both projects. Support Your Local Mama Gang
Amy Rose, the mama behind The Fourth Trimester Magazine, is another fantastic human being that I have had the pleasure of “meeting” over on Instagram. This mum has big plans, and a life mission to support mothers in that difficult and rewarding journey after birth.
From her Kickstarter page…
“All of the pain will just go away when you see your beautiful little bundle of joy.” Yes, creating a baby is absolutely amazing but the pain doesn’t just go away – physically, emotionally and mentally – the fourth trimester can really hurt! However, it helps to know you are not alone. Not the only one wondering if you really do love your baby. Not the only one avoiding the mirror so you don’t have to see those stretch marks. Not the only one asking for help. This is where we come in. We are a community of mothers just trying to support other mothers during their life after birth. Offering honest, friendly advice from people who have been through or are going through this crazy journey of motherhood.
Punky Moms just donated and can’t wait to see the first issue! Long live print! Consider sending a little pledge yourself. She is very close to reaching her goal!
To help out visit her kickstarter page and to read more about the awesome work Amy is doing visit the magazine’s website.
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