Super Van Fund – Punky Moms Save The World

Time and again we like to put into the spotlight one of our Punky Mom members who is in need and we want to help as much as we can. 

This particular case is with one of our oldest members Kasie. Her family of five consist of her and her husband and three kids and they are in desperate need of updating their wheels. 


One of the kids is Mr. Charming, AKA “#3”, who is paralyzed, epileptic and nonverbal. He also uses a pop-top feeding tube button thingy. The other two kids are teenagers and with them comes  the usual set of accessories, namely skateboards, musical instruments and backpacks full of books.


They have been using a minivan and it is backbreaking work for Kasie  and her husband. Updating their wheels with an actual mobility van would make their life just a little bit easier. 

Kasie isn’t asking for a handout. She is one of the hardest working people I know who is resourceful and such a rock start advocate for all her kids. She fucking deserves this. 

Although she has started a fundly campaign (we donated) she also has set up a Cafe Press site where they are getting a percentage of the sale in exchange for you getting some Super Van Fund gear. 

So yeah, hold out on your Starbucks this week punkies and donate some cash to help out one of our sisters. 



About Paula 171 Articles
Paula is an old school goth with a riot grrrl heart. Self-proclaimed #mamaboss at Punky Moms. Born in Miami Beach with a background in music business, she followed love and moved to the UK in 2012. She has one little boy named Oscar, a dashing English husband, and a furball terrier at home. She is trying desperately not to miss the Florida sun. You can follow her on IG @riotmthrrr

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