I had an idea. I have lots of them, most never make it past that stage tbh, but I thought this one was important.
I was thinking about self-worth. How we quantify it as individuals. How I made a massive switch from factoring my appearance into this so much. How lucky I am to have friendships with so many strong women, that hold me accountable.
I thought about people struggling, and how sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference.
My idea.
You know those posters you see from time to time, usually looking for a lost pet or a new drummer? With the little tabs, you rip off at the bottom with the contact details on? I thought it would be pretty cool to make a poster like this, although instead of a phone number, there’d be a little empowering message you could rip off. And these posters would be available for anyone to print off and stick up in all the places, a kind of lift each other up self-love activism.
And it’s not just an idea, it’s a real thing, and I need your help.
I need you to print one and put it up in schools and workplaces and anywhere else you can that’s not illegal. It would be awesome if you could tag me in a pic over at @tayneetinsley when you do too
Download your pdf of the full poster here.
Let’s do this
We have exciting news! We have created a Radical Self-love membership community off of social media. For full details on how to join this amazing new space, please visit our info page here
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