Alternatively titled: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Homeschooling. I homeschool my teen baby bat and it’s not because I feel that educational institutions are for squares. It’s definitely not for religious reasons. We homeschool because it was the best option for my child and our family and I’m pro-whatever works for you. I’ll save you the long story about the events that took place prior to the decision, but I will say that it wasn’t pretty and there were tears for everyone.
It was actually my spouse that suggested it. I laughed, I questioned their sanity, I exclaimed that I did not have the patience for such a thing. The seed was planted though.
I researched various ideologies and methods, learned the difference between unschooling, Charlotte Mason, classical, and textbook based. I joined Facebook groups and forums. It’s a whole other subculture! I learned that I wasn’t the only one who had doubts or felt certain that I didn’t have the patience. I became confident that I didn’t have to offer perfection and we began our homeschooling adventure in 2011.
The first year was tumultuous, both the kid and I had to figure out what the expectations were on both ends (you mean we don’t have to be dressed and schooling at 8 am?). It was strange for me to be at home all day with my kid again; I had flashbacks to toddlerhood when I would’ve opened a vein for just five minutes of adult conversation. However, what I found that first year that impacted my decision to continue was that, when given the ability to work at their own ability per subject they had an opportunity to flourish and we were able to nurture interest-led passions.
It’s been fun for me too; I know more about space than I ever cared to know. Anywhere and anything can be turned into an educational field trip to supplement your learning. Lots of places have homeschool discounts or days with an extra bonus that it’s less crowded than normal thanks to your awesome new school hours.
Who else out there is homeschooling?
I have been homeschooling since 2012. Logistacl circumstanced brought me to home schooling. I home school 5 kiddos 11,9,8 and 5 yo twins. Sometimes its hard as fuck, most times its awesome.
That’s a full class!
We unschool, 7 y.o twins and 2 babies to come. Right now it’s the best decision for us because nobody here want to deal with school, as long as it’s ok for everyone in the family.
My best friend homeschooled all her children – 20, 17, 14 and 10. The eldest is already in college and doing fine with her academics and social life. The other three is still being homeschooled. I’ve asked her several times why she chose to homeschool all her kids and the answers were always the same – they (her and husband) wanted to be with their kids as much as possible.
We home educate, we’re based in rural Wales and I fucking love it. I don’t hate schools,hate teachers, dislike school kids, it just works best for our family and that’s so super important. I admire people who can do the school run, manage jobs whilst parenting and all the other stuff and in turn expect my choices to be respected too. If my son ever wants to go we will navigate that and help him but right now it works for us and I adore it. I am also learning SHITLOADS and love our home ed family 🖤