Vancouver, Canada
Kelly Babb
Link To Punky Worldwide Events
Welcome to Punky Moms Vancouver!
Come and find out about and plan local meets, share local info & get to know your local PMs in the Vancouver area! Whilst most planning may be happening inside the local Facebook group, please send us a message with VANCOUVER in the subject line if you are interested in being in touch with the Chapter president.
All information is confidential and is not shared with anyone. The information is only used to try to find you the closest Punky Moms group in your area.
If you’d like to learn more about our Chapters, visit our Official Chapter page and see the complete list.
Awesome Vancouver Things To Do
Fave Coffee for a Beach walk https://www.facebook.com/The-Sunflower-Cafe-Crescent-Beach-126177420794332/
Fave Brunch with a river walk & Play Grounds nearby http://breakfastnewwestminster.com/
Beer https://tradingpostbrewing.com/ and https://www.sappertondistricttaphouse.com/
Live Music venues Vary on a TBA basis.
Come and find out about family friendly Punky events in Vancouver Canada and plan local meets with parents. Get to know your local Punky Moms! To find out more about Punky Moms, please read the Newbies Guide to all things Punky Moms here.
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