Hot Cocoa Recipes – Hug Your Insides Today

hot cocoa recipes - hot chocolate

Have the winter blahs visited your house yet? After the sensory overload of the holidays, it is sometimes difficult to return to the normalcy. Grab the kids and chase away the cold by making some hot cocoa together. I’ve heard it said that hot chocolate is like a hug from the inside. You deserve that hug!

Here are 10 great recipes to try this winter season

hot cocoa - white hot chocolate

  • This peppermint hot cocoa uses syrups but if you still have candy canes lying around, they make excellent drinking straws, just snap off the curve or melt it in your drink.
  • One of my favorite things about being in the kitchen is knowing the various flavors that accentuate each other.  Such as chocolate and chiles in this Mexican hot chocolate. Mmmm!
  • Looking for something quick? Try this two ingredient Nutella drink. Simple and delicious. 
  • The next two are as visually pleasing as they are tasty. Let Minty hot cocoa melt your grinchy little heart this winter.
  • Do your kids still love Frozen? I’m sorry. Might as well be nice and try this. They’ll be sure to love this blue Elsa inspired one from Simplistically Living.

elsa frozen hot cocoa


Already have a mix lying about or your own favorite recipe? Here are three marshmallow recipes to go with it.

  • Salted Caramel seems to be the trendiest of flavors right now. If you’re digging the combo, try these salted caramel swirl marshmallows from Bake or Break

salted caramel marshmallows hot cocoa

Any to add? What is your fav hot cocoa combo? Pin this recipe for later!

Hot cocoa is a great treat to cure the winter blues. Pair your favorite hot chocolate recipe with some salted caramel marshmallows for a perfect hot drink.  


About Holly G. Darkly 25 Articles
Holly fancies herself as a pretentious punk version of Martha Stewart. When not finding spots to stash craft supplies or working, she's at the mercy of the five children reenacting Lord of the Flies in her house.

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