Hey you fine baby raising Punkies! Break Out The Crayons! It’s Time To Get Coloring with this Mother’s day coloring page!
April is always a busy month for the Punky Family – I bet it was a busy month for you too! It’s almost time for tank tops just in time for spring, made some slow cooker Coq au Vin, found out why some of us homeschool, learned how to further not give any fucks, went shopping for Mother’s Day, learned that cyber bullies are assholes and some of us can take it with aplomb, and had a bunch of other interesting things to say. Did you miss any of it? Go catch up! We’ll be right here when you get back.
I drew up a little coloring page for you lovely Punkies. While it is not chock full of those little nooks and crannies you coloring Punkies seem to love, it is a full 8.5×11 printable page. It’ll make a good not-so-surprise Mother’s Day coloring page for your kidlet(s) to give you. My kids are too big to occupy with a coloring page, but maybe yours aren’t? I miss those days… cherish them! Once they get bigger, nothing easy can occupy them.
Have you checked out our Facebook groups yet?
I feel like I just unloaded about a million things on you. I’m gonna go sit over here while you take some time to digest that mess.
We would love to see the finished product. Be sure to tag us on Instagram!
Until later Don’t forget to Stand Up, Stand Out, Stand Tall.
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