We all love doing arts and crafts with our kids (and without!) but do you know the basics of a well-stocked arts and crafts closet? Do you have everything you need to make a last minute, rainy day craft? How about a month-long, detailed craft project? Don’t disappoint anyone by being short on supplies or even the most simple of tools. Below is a comprehensive crafts supply list that will have you well on your way to craftastic love in no time.
Must-have craft supplies:
- Craft knife
- Scissors
- Tape
- Hot glue gun
- White glue
- Construction paper
- Tissue paper
- Stickers
- Pipe cleaners
- Googly eyes
- Glitter
- Yarn
- Felt/fabric pieces
- Coveralls
Must-have art supplies:
- Chalk
- Crayons
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Tempura, acrylic and fabric paint
- Erasers
- Sharpeners
- Paintbrushes
- White and colored paper
- Smock
Handy recyclables:
- Bottle caps
- Brown paper bags
- Buttons and beads
- Egg cartons
- Glass jars
- Magazines, newspapers
- Packing materials
- Plastic soda bottles and milk jugs
- Popsicle sticks
- Stickers
- Thread spools
- Toilet paper and paper towel tubes
- Wallpaper scraps
What’s that? How do you store all that stuff? Head down to your local Target or KMart or Container Store and pick up some plastic file boxes, or sets of drawers (you know, the plastic ones that have 3 or 6 drawers in them, stackable is possible!) or whatever your favourite type of container is and start to organize! I have at least an even dozen of those file boxes, and each has it’s own family of stuff in it. I also have cardboard boxes (well labeled of course), jars, anything I can stick other stuff inside of is fair game.
All those containers are stashed all over the place in my house, you might have better luck in your own home. Closets, under the stairs, basement, garage, under the bed, a spare bedroom maybe, all fair game!
Oh, don’t forget that glue gun and tons of extra glue sticks! Mine is cordless, I love that thing!
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