Witches and black cats. Ghosts and goblins. Spiders and webs. All perfect pairs. Another perfect pair? 50's rock n' roll and Halloween! Here's a playlist of some of the best Halloween songs from the 1950's. It's sure to make your bones rattle and give life to any zombie!
Punky Mom Spotify Mixtapes

Vintage Halloween Tunes – Midnight Monsters Hop

Witches and black cats. Ghosts and goblins. Spiders and webs. All perfect and quintessential vintage halloween pairs. Another perfect pair? 50’s rock n’ roll and Halloween! Here’s a playlist of some of the best vintage Halloween […]

Gift Guides

Cat Lady Wishlist

The Definitive Cat Lady Wish List It’s that time of year again!  Time to wrack your brain trying to figure out that purrrfect gift for that oh so discerning cat lady in your life.  Well, […]