Only a select few Punkies have this old school Punky Mom mug. Some fill it with coffee, some tea, and some fill it with _____.
You can fill in the blank.
We are bringing these official mugs back and they will be available for our online store reopening of the Punky Shop on September 1st. We have a lot more new gear and designs we can’t wait to show you. However we feel like doing a giveaway!
It is a great size mug, big enough to for lots of wine. It has Punky written on one side, and Moms on the other. Ha!
In the meantime, get your ass in here and enter to win one! We have given you a few different ways to enter in this giveaway! Contest runs until THIS Friday the 21st. Winners will be announced on Saturday the 22nd
Tears of your enemies.
Love! I’m a tea drinker and I’m about to have cup number 4 or 5 today.. I always lose count!
Love this mug!!
I have already had about 10 cups of tea this AM :)
1 protein smoothie and 2 cups of coffee down :D
I’ve had about 3 cups of tea so far… And plan on having more…
I haven’t had nearly enough cups of coffee yet!!
Awesome mug! Perfect for my need for all things caffeinated lol.
One huge truck full. Lol
Yum! Oh wow…I lost track of the cups.
I’ve have 5 cups of water and 1 cup of tea!
1 cup of coffee and tons of water!
3 cups of coffee, 2 cups of sarcasm, and a side of sass!
One cup of coffee so far today!
I have had 2 cups of coffee, 2 cups of water and 4 ibuprofen. It’s a rough morning.