The Heavy Metal Dad Way To Craft

They Craft!

How does a heavy metal dad craft? With lots of fire! Watch it burn! Heavy metal kids rejoice! Alternative parenting done right!

Here at Punky Moms we are huge fans of heavy metal. Whether you are a heavy metal mom or a heavy metal dad, Punky Moms always gives great advice on how to parent. Our punky kids are taught the right way and learn about Black Sabbath from a very early age. It’s in their blood. It is just how we parent here. 

So when we stumbled across these videos we could not stop laughing. These videos are fantastic. They follow the tale of a black heavy metal dad as he tries to find ways to entertain his young daughter. The second one is aptly titled ‘The Second Coming’ 



How does a heavy metal dad craft? With lots of fire! Watch it burn! Heavy metal kids rejoice! Alternative parenting done right!

From the Youtube page of Hessian Hobbies:

Here at Hessian Hobbies it is our goal to help single metal dads find creative and constructive ways to connect with their children. It is through this work that they craft not only works of art, but healthy souls. Amen.

Watch the hilarious Black Metal Babysitting video below


About Paula 171 Articles
Paula is an old school goth with a riot grrrl heart. Self-proclaimed #mamaboss at Punky Moms. Born in Miami Beach with a background in music business, she followed love and moved to the UK in 2012. She has one little boy named Oscar, a dashing English husband, and a furball terrier at home. She is trying desperately not to miss the Florida sun. You can follow her on IG @riotmthrrr

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